
Owen Toews is the award-winning author of Island Falls, a novel published by ARP Books in 2023 and Stolen City: Racial Capitalism and the Making of Winnipeg, a work of nonfiction published by ARP Books in 2018. He was a Fulbright scholar at the City University of New York where he received his PhD in geography. He held the University of Alberta’s Grant Notley Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship for research in politics, history, economy, or society of Western Canada and is a founding member of the DIY museum collective Winnipeg Arcades Project, a member of the abolitionist prisoner solidarity group Bar None, and acquisitions editor for ARP Books‘ Semaphore series. Born and raised in Winnipeg, he is descended from Russian Mennonites recruited by Canada to occupy southern Manitoba in 1874.

Contact: otoews [at] gmail.com

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